Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Another Craptastic Valentines Day

Today I feel like Pam in The Office, and that's not because we both have the same first name.

In last week's Valentine's episode, Pam the receptionist signed for bouquet after bouquet after bouquet for various co-workers, and one in particular. As the day wore on, it became very clear to Pam that she wasn't going to get a Valentine bouquet from Roy. As the last bouquets came rolling in, Pam almost threw them at the various recipients.

Today I am Pam. Okay, well, technically I'm Pam every day (to my parents, anyway; no one else is allowed to call me Pam. I'll spank you if you do!), but today I am Pam from The Office's Valentine's episode. Everyone around me is getting Valentine bouquets delivered, and I don't even think hunky knows its Valentine's Day.

Guess I can't really blame him. It's not like I've been the most succulent and bodacious girlfriend lately. Still... with each and every delivery, I paste a smile on my face, give the appropriate "oohs" and "ahhs," then go back to my desk to steam quietly.

If only I had a Jim in the office to make it all better.

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