Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Healing Touch

I volunteered four hours of my time to the Reno Psychic Fair this weekend, for which I'll receive free admission to the fair and a free reading by the Reno Psychic Institute. Tonight, I went to the volunteers' meeting. I was hoping to see Walter.

I did.

When I got to the meeting, he wasn't there, and I admit to feeling disappointed. However, right before the meeting started, Walter sauntered in, found a seat, and settled down. A few times, I could feel his gaze turn my way. I was nervous, though, but did glance his way several times.

After the meeting, we were invited to take part in a free energy healing downstairs. A few of the volunteers decided to go, so I thought "why not?" I followed them, signed in, sat down and watched the demonstration. Then, those of us remaining were partnered with healers. The woman in charge assigned Walter to me.

My heart skipped a beat.

Walter performed the healing, and afterward asked me how I felt. I responded, and he started telling me what he had seen, and what he had done. When he finished explaining, he thanked me for the opportunity and shook my hand.

I gathered up my things to go. There were still several others waiting for healings, and another demonstration was about to take place. However, I had a class to teach so had to leave.

As I started for the door, I saw Walter at the door. He saw me approaching, held the door open for me, and then asked me if I had been there before. I said yes. He said that I looked familiar to him; had I been there for a healing? I said no, that I had talked to him at PPD. He said "I knew I you looked familiar - I recognize your hair!"

We talked for a bit, and he walked me out to the parking lot. He said he was looking forward to seeing me on Friday night, and we parted ways.

The thing is, my volunteer hours are for Sunday. Guess who'll be calling RPI tomorrow to see if they still need volunteers on Friday night?

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